and marketing strategy
Introducing The Sales Blueprint Program
The Sales Blueprint Program is an 12-week group program designed to give entrepreneurs the skills and strategies they need to confidently and effectively sell in their business.
Together, we can turn your leads into customers and help you make sales without any of the sleazy tricks that you hate!
Nothing will grow your business faster than knowing how to connect to your audience and have an effective sales conversation.
No Sales Pressure or Cookie-Cutters Here!
Britteney is an amazing listener, receiving of information and truly makes me feel SEEN There is no sales pressure or cookie-cutter approach that was pushed on me. Instead, the strategic approach to sales that Britteney suggested for me is built especially for my personality, desires, target audience and unique business
Nathalie Amlani, Owner, Pictonat Photography

Say goodbye to feeling sleazy about sales
In The Sales Blueprint, you will learn how to:
● Communicate your value clearly and confidently
● Build relationships and serve your audience
● Understand the flow of sales conversations
● Overcome objections and follow up effectively
● Track your success and make use of your sales data
● And more!

Understanding your business

What we’ll cover in The Sales Blueprint

Understanding Sales

Understanding how to CLOSE

Understand how to set up your sales
We will learn how to communicate your value clearly and confidently and how to connect with your audience
We will learn how to structure your sales calls for success and address any objections.
We will learn how to leave your client with a clear call to action and how to follow up after the sales call has ended.
We will learn how to use your sales data to hone your process and build a long-lasting sales and marketing strategy.

I am Britteney and I show purpose-driven entrepreneurs how to sell in a way that feels authentic
Using all of the lessons I learned during my 20+ years in corporate America, I use my strategic mindset and business expertise to bring other businesses to another level.
Meet your sales
coach Britteney
Why Join The Sales Blueprint?
What You’ve Tried
How The Sales Blueprint Compares