Helping Women Build Their Dream Business
So you can get to business as YOU-sual!
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Let me ask you:
Does the word “sales” remind you of sleezy used car salesmen?
Do you walk away from discovery calls wishing you could have a re-do?
Do you wish that you could sell to your audience without feeling uncomfortable?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Especially as women, we are told to be polite and not too "sales-y". Many of us start our business with passion and a great idea but realize that we also need to be able to convince others that our idea is great.
Simply put, all entrepreneurs need to do sales.
But it’s hard to get past the negative connotations that we relate to selling, like infomercials and high-pressure situations. Or sometimes, we think that it’s an innate skill - you either have it or you don’t - and if you don’t, you don’t bother with it and your business suffers.
Let’s be clear…
Sales conversations can be your most powerful business tool - but only if you replace the “usual way" with the "YOU-sual way" having the conversation and adding your authentic self.